Who is Elon Musk? Here are 17 interesting facts that you Don’t know!

Who is Elon Musk

Who is Elon Musk? This question must have answers to its name itself. Born in 1971, Coming from Pretoria, South Africa, honored with 3 passports from three countries, Elon Musk Became the richest person on the planet last week and heated Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. But few people know about this Entrepreneur who sold self-made computer coding video games at his teen and shifted to Canada at the age of 17. 

Who is Elon Musk
Elon Musk Richest Person In the World | Picture Credit @Vexels

Yes, we are talking about  Tesla and SpaceX Ceo and the founder of Paypal Elon Musk. Who recently created history surpassed Amazon Founder Jeff Bezos and took the first position according to 500 lists of Bloomberg Billionaires Index on their “World ‘s 500 wealthiest people”.  Musk reached this height from the ground floor, and the journey was exciting to read. 

Elon was obstinate since his childhood and his college day. He was always thinking about doing something different, which would be helpful to solve problems. No matter how many obstacles come in his way, his determination always pays off. 

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Elon Musk’s life is no less than a superhero, so he is often called and compared to Iron Man. His love and passion for technology and his creativity and innovative ideas to discover something new make him stand apart from the world’s celebrities. 

Here are 11 plus interesting facts still unknown about the world’s richest person Elon Musk.  Born in 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa, He shifted to Canada at a very young age, at 17. Elon had little money to eat, but now he had citizenship from 3 countries, Canada, South Africa, and the US.  Elon Holds three passports from these three different countries and has more than 188.5 Billion dollars, making him the world’s first richest person. 

Elon Musk facts
Elon Musk facts | Source Pinterest

You may also read the Web-Story: Elon Musk Offers To Buy Twitter.

Here are Some extremely Interesting, important facts about SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. Just go through it. 

  • Elon Musk Became the world’s richest person having a net worth of more than 188.5 billion last year. Elon becomes the richest person suppressing Amazon Ceo Jeff Bezos. He has 1.5 Billion more Net worth than Jeff Bezos.  Elon Musk Net Worth in 2021 $188.5 billion
  • Musk was born in Pretoria, South Africa, in 1971, and moved to Canada when he was just 17 years old.  Since then, He has bagged three citizenship in three countries like Canada, South Africa, and America.
  • Musk graduated from the University of Pennsylvania and went to Stanford University to do a Ph.D. in Energy Physics.   But Musk has not completed it and left the University after 2 days to launch Zip2 Corporation.
  • Elon Musk IQ level is 155, which is quite impressive; on the one hand, he is smart and intelligent. 
  • He has started a much intelligent business in his name and established 8 smart businesses like PayPal, Zip2, The Boring Company, Neuralink, Open AI, Hyperloop, SpaceX, and Tesla. 
  • Elon Musk is Dedicated and motivated to innovative developing Ideas.  Since his childhood, he has had a keen interest in Technology and developed his own coding game Blastar and sold it at $500 (Australian Dollar AUD) during his teenage. He learned computer coding skills independently and was stuck on a computer all the time. 
  • He had read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica when he was just 9 years old.
  • Younger Musk was regularly tortured in his school. One day he was beaten so much by his colleagues that he had been admitted to the hospital. Then Musk started learning Martial Arts and Wrestling. He honored a blackbelt in Martial Art and became trained in various Martial arts styles like  Kyokushin karate, Taekwondo, Judo, and “Brazilian jiu-jitsu briefly.”
  • Elon Musk Started Training in Martial Arts at a very young age, at 15.
  • He has three wives and has become a proud father of 7 children. 
  • Griffin and Xavier are Elon Mask’s twin sons.
  • You might have heard about Marvel Super Hero Iron man, Played by famous superhero  Stony Stark, and the character is based on Elon Musk’s real life.  Even he has acted as Cameo in Iron Man 2.  
  • Elon Musk also has good acting skills and acted in various series like “The Simpsons,” “South Park,” and “Big Bang Theory.”
  • The world’s first Private  Space Mission Company set to touch the Moon Surface is called SpaceX, established by Elon Musk.
  • Despite Being the CEO of SpaceX, he never takes a salary from this company. 
  • Did you know this richest person had to make his living of Just $1 a day? Once Mask admitted that those days were very challenging for him.
  • Another innovative Intelligent company Tesla is rocking now, and recently this week of January 2021, Tesla shares jumped by 743%.  But did you know once Elon had marked his mind to sell it out due to Tesla’s bad result!
  •  Elon Musk has 3 wives and 7 children personal life of a Billionaire, just like a fairy tale; interestingly, all of them are boys. He has 5 children from his first wife, Justine Musk.  In the last pandemic year 2020, he had a son from his Canadian girlfriend, The famous Singer Claire Elise Boucher, named X Æ A-12 Musk
  • The rumor goes viral the news comes about Elon Musk’s hair transplant. You can check his early look and what he looks like, you judge yourself and express your thought in the below comment. Did he Make his hair Transplant?

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