7 Affirmations For Self Forgiveness

7 Affirmations for Self Forgiveness


Self forgiveness is perhaps the most important step we can take in our journey to a better, more fulfilled life. We all make mistakes and have regrets, but it’s how we deal with those mistakes that defines who we are as people.

If you feel like there is something you wish you could change about yourself, then here are seven affirmations for self forgiveness that will help you feel at peace with yourself. So, read the full article to get the complete information.

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Affirmations for Self Forgiveness

Affirmations for self-forgiveness is a way of improving your inner communication in order to feel better about yourself and allow you more productive thoughts. It’s generally a good idea to have some affirmations on the ready for when we encounter difficult situations in life because those are the times when we need them most.

If you’re curious how these can benefit your mental health and wellbeing, or know somebody who might find them useful, read on! Here are 7 affirmations that can help you forgive yourself and improve your mood.

1. I accept and love myself no matter what.

You are worthy of love, forgiveness, and kindness. You deserve to be treated with dignity, respect, and compassion.

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I release my past from the pain it has caused me in order to move forward into a positive future. Forgiveness is a choice that I make for myself; it does not mean that I am giving up on those who have hurt me or abandoning them altogether.

It simply means taking responsibility for my own actions rather than blaming others for them which can cause unnecessary resentment.

2. I am healthy in mind, body, and soul.

Self-care is an important part of your mental health because it helps you to stay healthy in mind, body, and soul. When you practice self-care every day, it becomes a habit that’s easy to continue even when things get busy.

Here are some ways you can practice self-care:

  • Make sure that you take time for yourself each day by relaxing with a massage or taking a long hot bath before bedtime. You can also listen to music or read books while doing this! If possible try going somewhere quiet where no one else will disturb your thoughts or feelings – like walking around the park at lunchtime rather than sitting at your desk all morning long!

  • Take care of yourself physically by exercising regularly (preferably outdoors), eating healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables instead of processed snacks which contain chemicals not good for our bodies anyway.”

3. I am worthy of forgiveness.

You are worthy of forgiveness.

We all make mistakes, and we all deserve to be forgiven by others. But, that doesn’t mean it’s easy to forgive yourself for your mistakes or the things you’ve done wrong in the past—especially when they were not your fault!

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Affirmations can help remind yourself that:

  • You are worthy of forgiveness;

  • You deserve to be forgiven;

  • People will forgive you if they know how much effort it took for you to do something wrong, and finally,

  • When someone asks why they did something bad or hurtful towards another person and asks if there is any chance that person might be able to see them differently now?

4. I forgive myself for all the mistakes I have made.

If you’re like most people, your relationship with forgiveness is complicated. You might be guilty of harboring feelings of resentment, fear, and anger toward yourself for past mistakes.

Or maybe it’s hard to forgive yourself because you don’t think you deserve it or that there’s no way for someone else to forgive what happened in the first place.

But here’s the thing: forgiveness doesn’t mean forgetting or giving up on yourself.

It means letting go of any lingering negativity and moving forward with a positive mindset—a mindset that allows us to look at ourselves honestly and see our own potential for greatness rather than our flaws.

Forgiveness isn’t permission; it’s an act of self-love!

7 Affirmations for Self Forgiveness
7 Affirmations for Self Forgiveness

5. I wish myself well.

  • The past is gone.

  • The future isn’t here yet.

  • Focus on the present, because it’s all you have!

  • Don’t worry about what other people think of you or how they treat you. You’re only one person in this world—you can’t control everything that happens around you, so why stress yourself out over it?

6. My past does not define me.

You are not your past. The past is the stuff of memory and can’t be changed, but you are a new person today. You have the ability to choose who you want to be in your life, so if there’s something from your past that makes you feel bad or uncomfortable, let it go!

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Instead of dwelling on it or letting that feeling control how happy and joyous other aspects of life make you feel, choose instead to focus on what’s right now: being grateful for everything around me, getting along with my friends, loving myself for all my gifts and then finding ways to share those things with others.

7. I am proud of who I am and where I’m going.

I am proud of who I am and where I’m going. I enjoy my life, and I’m grateful for everything that has happened to me so far. I know what it takes to make this journey worth it, and how much more there is still left in store for me.


I hope that these affirmations have given you some insight into self forgiveness. It can be difficult to forgive ourselves for the things we did in the past and move forward, but it is possible if we work hard enough at it.

Remember: forgiveness doesn’t mean condoning what happened or forgetting about it completely; rather, it means letting go of resentment towards yourself so that your focus can shift onto bettering yourself today instead!

Thank you for reading the complete article. If you have any ideas or suggestions regarding affirmations for self forgiveness, you may write in the comment section.

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