21 Affirmations for Entrepreneurs to Make Their Business Successful

21 Affirmations for Entrepreneurs


What could be more stressful than starting your own business? It’s not like you have a boss to keep you on track. Fortunately, some of the most successful entrepreneurs in the world have shared their wisdom to help make your start-up a success. In this post, we’ve collected 21 affirmations for entrepreneurs that will keep you focused and motivated!

From time management to having faith in yourself, these are powerful and positive words from people who’ve made it happen. We hope they can help make your entrepreneurial journey as smooth as possible!

Affirmations for Entrepreneurs

Here are 21 positive affirmations to make your business successful:

1. I am a powerful and robust creator.

You are a powerful and robust creator. You have the capacity to learn anything if you put your heart and soul into it. The world is not difficult, in fact, it is quite easy. The world is easier than you.

You must control yourself before you can control the world around you. Your success depends on the decisions that you make today, not yesterday or tomorrow. Today is the key to your future!

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2. There are no mistakes, only learning experiences.

Being an entrepreneur is all about making mistakes and learning from them as best you can so that you don’t repeat them again and again until you eventually succeed.

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The real secret to success is knowing how to find out what you did wrong and figuring out how you can use that information to keep from making the same mistake again.

3. I have the power to change my life, be who I want to be, and do anything I want in life!

You are a powerful creator of your own destiny. You have the power and ability to change your life. Be who you want to be, and do anything in life. Mind over matter is a fact. Thoughts are things – see them as such and make them work for you instead of against you.

4. I can make my dreams come true!

You have the ability to make your dreams come true. You can create opportunities when there are none available. Whatever business you are in, no matter how big or small, you can create a market for your services and products.

There is enough for everyone to succeed if you want it badly enough. Shortcut the long road to success with the knowledge that you have a basic capacity for success within you.

5. I will keep going even when it doesn’t feel like it.

You will keep going even when it doesn’t feel like it. You can go through your hard times and stressful situations while staying strong in the knowledge that they are only temporary, and they will pass. You will stay focused on your goals, as you know that nothing is impossible and that you are more capable than you think.

The world needs every single person out there doing what they are meant to do! No one knows who they would be or what they could accomplish if only they’d try! Believe in yourself and never stop believing!

You may also read; Positive Affirmations for Artists to Boost Their Confidence.

6. I am ready for anything.

You are positive, cheerful, and ready to handle challenges. You know that difficulty is necessary in order to achieve results, so you should not complain. But instead rise to the occasion of each new challenge that comes your way with a positive, can-do attitude.

7. My dreams are my reality.

Everything you want is already yours. Your dreams are your reality. They don’t take long to materialize, because you already know how they will feel. You always positively expect to get what you are asking for.

It is there ready for you to claim and make your own. So, whatever the goal is, you reach for the best of it now and believe deep in your heart that it will be yours.

8. Focusing on problems won’t solve anything.

Focusing on problems won’t solve anything. It will only make your mind create new ones. You must concentrate on the positive, on how you can accomplish everything that you want to do. On how you can change what is going wrong into something better for you and more to my benefit.

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9. Focus on my goals, not the obstacles in front of me.

Progress comes after a lot of hard work, even when nothing is happening right now. All it takes is a little faith and a positive attitude to push you forward. However difficult things may seem at times. Focus on your goals, not the obstacles in front of you.

10. I am worthy of love and prosperity in my life.

Growth is natural and expected. You are worthy of love and prosperity in your life. Stay true to yourself and your vision, even if it feels uncomfortable at times.

As an entrepreneur, you will experience growth throughout the course of your business venture. You might start out with a small team or invest some money into research & development, but eventually, things take off!

21 Affirmations for Entrepreneurs
21 Affirmations for Entrepreneurs

11. I can achieve anything I set my mind on.

  • Take risks, but be smart about them.

  • Calculate your risks and make sure they are worth the reward.

  • Make sure you can afford to lose before taking a calculated risk. If it’s not worth losing money or reputation, then don’t do it!

12. I know that the only thing standing in my way is myself.

Knowing what you want to achieve is the first step. You are the only person who can stop yourself from achieving your goals, and you can’t blame anyone else for your failures. It’s important that you be honest with yourself about your shortcomings, as well as recognize them when they happen. This will help keep you motivated and moving forward towards success!

13. It is only when I face difficulties that I grow stronger.

As you begin your journey as a business owner, it is important to remember that business is a source of love, joy, and wisdom in your life. This affirmation will help you feel grounded when things get difficult.

When faced with challenges or obstacles in the business world, remember that they are opportunities for growth and development as well as an opportunity for positive change within yourself!

14. Accepting reality helps me fulfill my potential.

Businesses are a form of expression, and they can bring value to others by providing them with products or services that they need. You should strive to find out what kind of value your business provides for people in order to increase its impact on society as well as its profitability.

See also  Fitness Affirmations: 79 Powerful Facts You Didn't Know.

15. I will change the way I think.

  • You are the driving force behind your success. But don’t think that you should be the only one doing all the work!

  • You can’t succeed alone; you need to work hard and surround yourself with people who believe in you as much as you do. They’ll help keep things on track, give feedback when necessary, and support when needed.

  • If someone offers their expertise or knowledge or even if they just offer advice take them up on it!

16. I am in charge of my thoughts, words, and actions.

The power of belief is an interesting topic. We tend to think that we have no control over our thoughts, but this simply isn’t true. In fact, you have complete control over your thoughts and behavior. You just need to believe in yourself!

17. I will never feel defeated by life.

This affirmation is so important for entrepreneurs and those who want to become one. It’s easy to get discouraged when things don’t go your way, but a strong belief in yourself is what keeps you going through the tough times. The more you believe in yourself, the harder it will be for anyone else to bring down your spirits!

18. I will face any obstacle in life with a positive attitude.

You are a positive person, so it’s unlikely that you will face any obstacles in life with a negative attitude. However, if you do find yourself faced with adversity or frustration on the road to success, remember that it is only temporary and that there are ways to overcome these obstacles.

19. Every day is a gift.

The success of your business depends on the people you hire, who are loyal and dedicated to the success of your company. They must be happy and motivated to work hard in order to achieve the goals that you have set for them.

If you can find employees who will take on additional responsibilities without complaining or leaving, this shows that they care about making sure that your business succeeds as much as you do!

20. Knowing myself helps me determine my goals and aspirations.

Knowing yourself helps ensure that your goals are realistic and achievable within the time period set out for them by employing affirmations such as: “I am confident in my abilities” or “I can handle any situation with ease.”

Once these affirmations become part of your subconscious mind through daily practice such as meditation, they will become second nature when faced with any challenge thrown at them during their entrepreneurial journey.

21. I know that dreaming big and working hard is the key to success.

No matter what you’re trying to achieve, it’s important to have a plan for success. The best way to make sure things work out is by setting goals and then working toward them.


We have been successful in our lives for a reason and it is because we have worked hard. We need to keep working hard on our business as well because we want it to be a success. We can’t expect to get everything right the first time around.

It takes practice, experience, and patience to run a successful business. This is why it is important to start small and build on your successes as you go along. You shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes—they are part of life!

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