21 Chronic Pain Affirmations to Help You Feel Better!

21 Chronic Pain Affirmations to Help You Feel Better


Chronic pain is a difficult disease to live with, but there are ways to cope and minimize the impact it has on your life. In this article, we will look at 21 affirmations that can help you feel better and deal with chronic pain today!

1. I am strong and can handle any situation.

Self-esteem is one of the most important things to have when you’re dealing with chronic pain. According to the NINDS (National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke), a chronic pain condition occurs when the nervous system continues to send pain signals.

It’s not just a matter of feeling good about yourself, but also knowing that you can handle any situation without feeling overwhelmed or panicked. Here are some ways to increase your self-esteem:

  • Read motivational quotes on affirmations and meditation. You can find them in magazines, newspapers, and books all around the internet. These will give you great ideas for how to feel better about yourself!

  • Think positive thoughts—this sounds simple enough, but sometimes we don’t think about what we want out of life until it comes along unexpectedly. When this happens (like when something bad happens), try thinking about all the good things happening in your life right now so that when something else bad happens again later on down the road (which it probably will), those happy memories will help keep up morale during times like these too.

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2. I am worthy of healing in mind, body, and spirit.

You are worthy of healing in mind, body, and spirit.

This one is a tough one if you’re going through chronic pain. It can be hard to feel like you deserve to be well when your body hurts so much that it makes everything else seem less important. But the truth is that no matter how bad things get for us or how long they last, we still have value as human beings.

And we should always remember that just because someone else doesn’t love us doesn’t mean they don’t! Self-love has many benefits: it helps us focus on what’s important in life; it allows us to take care of ourselves so that we can better support others; it reminds us not only who we are but also how powerful our choices really are in shaping our future lives.

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3. I am at peace and I have inner harmony.

Being at peace means accepting the situation you find yourself in and knowing that there’s nothing you can do to change it.

To achieve inner harmony, try these things:

  • Meditate daily for 15 minutes or more if possible. This will help calm your mind and body so that when negative thoughts come up, they won’t be able to take over as quickly as they would otherwise!

  • Exercise regularly at least three times per week if possible. The more often we exercise our bodies, the better our moods tend to be overall!

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4. I focus on my abilities, not on disabilities.

  • I focus on my abilities, not on disabilities.

Focus on your strengths and abilities instead of your weaknesses. This can help you feel better because it takes away the feeling of being helpless by focusing on what you can do, rather than what you cannot do or control. It’s also important to remember that even if something is difficult for now, it may not always be so in the future!

For example: “I am able to cook a nutritious meal at home with ease and grace this week. I will continue to practice until my cooking skills improve as much as possible over time.”

5. I deserve to have my needs met.

Here are some positive helpful points to remember:

  • You deserve to have your needs met.

  • You are worthy of being loved, cared for, and respected by others.

  • Your body is unique and beautiful just as it is, not less than anyone else’s body or more than anyone else’s body!

  • You have the power to change your life by taking care of yourself first and then others will follow suit naturally.

6. I am strong enough to face any obstacle life puts in my way.

You can be strong enough to face daily challenges, mental health issues, and any obstacle life puts in your way.

7. I am satisfied with my current state of mind and body.

Just try to be satisfied with your current state of mind and body.

“I am satisfied” is a great affirmation to use when you’re feeling down on yourself, especially if your physical pain is getting worse over time or is affecting your ability to function in other aspects of life. If there’s anything that can help alleviate chronic pain, it’s knowing that everything will be okay in the end!

8. What other people say about me has nothing to do with me.

When someone says something negative about you, it can be easy to get upset. But the truth is that their opinion doesn’t matter and it doesn’t define you. What other people think of you has nothing to do with who you are as a person, so don’t let it control your life!

In this affirmation, we’re reminding ourselves that everything that happens in our lives is exactly what we need right now. Even if something isn’t ideal or good enough for us—that’s okay! It simply means that there’s more work ahead of us on our path toward success and happiness.

9. My chronic pain is not caused by anything you are doing.

You may be thinking, “But I did this thing or that thing.” The truth is that chronic pain is not caused by any of these things. It’s a disease, and it needs to be treated like one. Chronic pain is not something you can control or avoid—it’s just something that happens to your body when there are problems with how the nerves connect to each other or those nerves themselves become damaged and no longer work properly.

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It’s important to remember this because it helps us realize that we don’t need to blame ourselves for what happened in our lives before our injury occurred; if anything, these experiences helped shape who we are today!

10. I do not let the pain control my life. Instead, it is a part of my life and it will not win.

Pain is a part of life. It’s not the end all be all, but it can be an extremely difficult thing to deal with in your day-to-day life. That’s why we have these affirmations: so that you can learn how to control your pain and make it a part of your life instead of trying to avoid it or run away from it.

The first step is admitting that there is pain present and acknowledging it as such—that’s what this affirmation does for me! The second step is acknowledging that even though I am having this pain right now, I do not let the pain control my life; instead, it serves as one element within my overall existence on earth at this moment in time.

Pain cannot win anything except perhaps if one becomes addicted to prescription medications which could change their quality ratio over time depending on dosage levels taken daily.

21 Chronic Pain Affirmations to Help You Feel Better
21 Chronic Pain Affirmations to Help You Feel Better

11. Although I live with chronic pain, it does not live inside of me! My spirit is strong and will never be broken!

  • You can’t change the past, but you can change your future.

  • Your spirit is strong and will never be broken.

  • You are a survivor and fighter.

  • You have survived so much in your life, and now it’s time for you to rise up again!

12. My body may be damaged but my spirit is still free!

  • Spirit is what makes us human and unique.

  • Spirit is what makes us who we are.

  • It is what makes us feel alive, happy, and like we belong in this world.

13. My chronic pain is not permanent.

When you’re in chronic pain, it can seem like the pain will never go away. But that’s not true! Chronic pain isn’t a reflection of who you are as an individual, it’s just a symptom of an injury or illness. And while your body may not feel good right now, it will get better over time with treatment and self-care plans.

Pain is temporary; it passes on its own accord when there’s nothing else to drive it forward. It always returns when left unattended for long periods of time, whether by choice or not—this is why doctors recommend regular checkups with their patients so that they can keep track of their progress toward recovery!

14. My pain is not my fault.

You are not responsible for the pain. It is not the result of something you did or a test to see if you can handle it. You don’t have to feel guilty about having chronic pain, because it’s not your fault!

15. I have the power to change my life and it begins with believing in myself.

The first step to changing your life is believing in yourself. How do you think others will treat you? What do they see when they look at you? Do they really know who you are or are they just guessing?

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You have the power to change the way people see and treat you by simply believing that they don’t know what’s best for you! People will begin to respect and admire you more because of this belief, which makes them want to help out more than ever before.

People may even start acting differently around you so that everyone knows how much better off everyone else would be if we were all friends instead!

16. Every day that I survive is a victory worth celebrating!

The first step to celebrating when you’re suffering from chronic pain is to acknowledge the fact that you are not alone. In fact, there are many people who are experiencing similar symptoms as you and they all make it through—and sometimes even better than before!

The second step is to remember that each day matters. It may not be much at first, but if we focus on the little victories along the way then they can add up over time and help us feel better about ourselves as well as our circumstances.

The third thing I would suggest doing when feeling down or sad is taking some time out of your day where no one else needs anything from us but just ourselves for a while. Just concentrate on breathing deeply into your core until all feelings fade away completely then start again tomorrow morning with a fresh mindset ready for whatever may come next!

17. Accepting where I am today makes tomorrow much brighter.

The first step to recovery is accepting where you are today. Acceptance is the first step to change. It’s also a way of surrendering to the present moment, letting go of past hurts and fears, and letting go of future dreams. Acceptance means letting go of your ego so you can be more open-minded about life’s challenges, even if they seem insurmountable right now or tomorrow!

Accepting where I am in my life today makes tomorrow much brighter because it allows me to see things from another perspective rather than always focusing on what could have been versus what actually was.”

18. Today is a new day. New beginnings are always possible!

Today is a new day. New beginnings are always possible!

If you are feeling discouraged and stressed out, it’s important to remember that today is a new beginning for you. You can start over today; you can make a change today; and even if your past has been difficult or painful, it doesn’t have to define who you are anymore.

19. Today is a new day. New beginnings are always possible!

The next time you’re feeling down, try to reframe your thoughts. You can’t change the past, but you can change the future!

”Today is a new day. New beginnings are always possible!”

If you’re having trouble getting out of bed in the morning and making it through the day—that’s okay! It’s easy to use these affirmations as reminders for yourself when things get overwhelming or overwhelming doesn’t seem fair at all.

If they do help, great! But if they don’t work for some reason, don’t give up on them just yet: there might be another way that works better for you personally.

20. I deserve to feel better and to be free from my pain.

You are worthy of healing and deserve to be free from pain.

You deserve to feel better and be able to do everything you want again, even if it’s just sitting on the couch with a good book or watching TV, without having pain in your back and shoulders every time you move around!

21. I have everything it takes to get the treatment I deserve.

It’s important to remember that you are not alone, and you do not need to feel like any kind of victim or helpless. You are capable of taking control over your life, and this can be done through self-love, positivity, and gratitude for all that is good in your life right now!

If you want something different from what’s happening now – then make it happen! You deserve happiness; so start making changes today by changing how you think about yourself!


I hope these 21 chronic pain affirmations helped you out. Even if they didn’t, hopefully, they at least gave you some ideas to work with and try out on your own! Remember: it’s not about being perfect or making all 21 at once although that would be pretty awesome!

But rather about starting with what works for your situation and gradually building up from there. It can be challenging, but I assure you that with a little patience and time, as well as some positive thinking, you will succeed.

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