101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety to Calm Your Mind

101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety to Calm Your Mind

101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety to Calm Your Mind: Overcoming anxiety or chronic worry can be difficult. Anxiety levels can be overwhelming for those who feel anxious and worried. The good news is that there are countless tools to combat chronic anxiety, such as working towards your goals, making changes in your life, engaging in physical activity, finding support from friends and family members, keeping a journal, and tracking how you’re feeling over time.

We know that everybody handles stress and anxiety differently, but one thing you can try that’s bound to work for everyone: positive affirmations.

They’re a great way to start feeling better about yourself and your life, and with so many people dealing with anxiety these days, it couldn’t hurt to try them. We’ve put together this list of 101 positive affirmations for anxiety. Try them out, and see what they can do for you!

Would you also like to improve your mental health of yourself? Then read Mental Health Affirmations.

Positive Affirmations for Anxiety

For many people, being in a state of anxiety can make it hard to function. Most people will sometimes experience anxiety about something like performance, coming across as unprofessional or not good enough, or relationships.

101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety to Calm Your Mind
101 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety to Calm Your Mind

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that can be difficult to manage with how it affects you. While the cause of anxiety is largely unknown and often uncontrollable, there are some things you can do for yourself and your anxiety when feeling uncomfortable in these situations.

A few positive affirmations for anxiety are:

1. I am in control of my brain.

2. I know that I’m better than I worry.

3. I believe life will always turn out for the best.

4. My worries aren’t the only thing that’s real. I’m safe, protected, and loved.

5. I am always able to do the right thing.

6. My life is richer and fuller than ever before.

7. I know I am worthy of good things in the world.

8. Only my mind makes me afraid. I can always be strong, courageous, and brave.

9. The future will be a wonderful place.

10. I make my life sparkle.

11. I fill my life with love, laughter, and joy.

12. My loved ones are here to help me through tough times.

13. I accept who I am.

14. I have a strong and peaceful mind.

15. I choose to be optimistic about my future.

If you want to boost your confidence more, you may read; 45 Most Powerful Daily Affirmations to Transform Your Life.

Affirmations for Social Anxiety

People with a social anxiety disorder may find even familiar social settings challenging due to their fear of judgment and scrutiny from others.

When you feel anxious about social situations, save these affirmations for yourself:

1. I deserve everything I want in life.’

2. My problems are opportunities to learn, grow, and become stronger.

3. Change is a wonderful thing.

4. I am loved and protected.

5. I can make decisions that lead me to success.

6. Long-term challenges are not my problems to solve.

7. People are there for me, and I’ll be there for them too.

8. I love myself unconditionally.

9. I am a good person, no matter what happens.

10. My past does not define me.

11. My future is bright and bright.

12. Let’s think positively.

13. I am just fine the way I am.

14. I know I can do anything I put my mind to.

15. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

Recommended: 49 Back Pain Affirmations to Ease Your Discomfort.

Daily Affirmations for Anxiety

It’s time for some good news. You have the power to control anxiety, and it does not have control over you. Anxiety signals us when something needs our attention, and that’s what these affirmations are all about.

1. I never give up.

2. My problems are great opportunities to grow and learn.

3. I take a deep breath, slow down, and let go.

4. I am a strong person and can do anything I put my mind to.

5. Life is about ups and downs, but I am committed to growth.

6. When life gives me challenges, it helps me grow stronger.

7. ‘It’s okay if it takes time to heal from my anxiety.

8. I am excited about the future.

9. More good times than bad.

10. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to do.

11. Every day, in every way, I am getting better and better.

12. I love myself for how far I have grown.

13. I will not let anxiety run my life.

14. It’s good for me to relax and have a good time.

15. I am a positive force in the world.

Morning Affirmations for Anxiety

Get your day started in the best way possible by reminding yourself what a strong person you are!

We offer you 14 morning affirmations to help you feel better:

1. The future is bright and healthy with food therapy.

2. Positive thoughts bring positive actions and take me closer to my goals.

3. Good things always happen to me.

4. I am in harmony with the world around me.

5. I am safe

6. I love myself for all I have accomplished.

7. My mind is calm and clear.

8. Let’s focus on being positive.

9. I am not my thoughts; my feelings.

10. I am a beautiful person despite whatever negative thoughts run through my mind.

11. I am a good person, and the world is safe for me.

12. Trustworthy, supportive people surround me for help.

13. I know that when I most need it, help will come.

14. I am capable of achieving my goals.

Affirmations for Work Anxiety

Work anxiety can be a huge obstacle in the modern workplace, interfering with everything from concentration to motivation and productivity. That’s why taking steps right away is important by working on some quick affirmations!

Since we all have anxieties of one kind or another, work anxiety being just one of them, affirmations are useful for virtually everyone in some form or another. Read on below for a list of positive statements you can use to replace negative thoughts, starting today!

1. Creating deadlines will help me stay accountable.

2. I am living my dream life.

3. I am positive.

4. I am confident.

5. I have a purpose, and I know what it is.

6. My dream of having a better career is coming true.

7. My contributions are meaningful.

8. I get things done.

9. My ideas are valuable.

10. I have a lot of work, but it doesn’t overwhelm me. I am equipped to handle it.

11. I am doing a great job.

12. Today will be a productive day.

13. I can do it all.

14. I am ready for anything.

Good Sleep Affirmations for Anxiety

Is there anything more important than sleep? Perhaps. Is anything more terrifying than sharing your bed with a partner who snores? No, no, there is not. On top of all that, how could one possibly go to sleep if they’re worried about something? How could they become reacquainted with their breathing if they’re not sleeping peacefully in the first place?

The best thing you can do for yourself is to practice some sleep affirmations before bed. These affirmations will help you relax your body and mind so that you can drift away into wakefulness without waking up from the dream of being awake.

There is an apparent link between people suffering from sleep disorders and those with anxiety. In research studies, it has been found that individuals with anxiety disorders often suffer from sleep disorders and insomnia: Here are some mantras to help you sleep better tonight:

1. I love being asleep.

2. I love dreaming.

3. Complete sleep helps me to cure completely.

4. I love my sleep so much that it makes me happy and fulfilled as a person when I am sleeping.

5. I deeply respect and enjoy my sleep and how it connects me with the Divine and Higher Power of the universe.

6. I deeply respect and enjoy all of my dreams. Every single one of them allows me to practice being in the present moment without thinking about the past or the future, which we all want to do.

7. I deeply love my dreams because they are all I have in this life and all I need to survive.

8. I need to sleep at night before daybreak arrives because when I close my eyes and drift away from this world, my life begins all over again.

9. Sleep is so healing that I need to sleep before I can enjoy eating and drinking.

10. I deeply love my sleep, and I deeply respect how it allows me to become smarter and happier than I ever have been.

11. My dreams are important in that they give me a sense of hope during any dark or challenging situation in which I may find myself.

12. When I sleep, all of the body’s energies are channeled into the brain to allow me to be more focused throughout the day.

13. My dreams are special because they allow me to learn from all of their experiences, which is something that I can then apply to my waking life.

14. My dreams are all that I have, and they are what make me feel like a person every single day.

Self-Affirmations for Anxiety

Self-affirmations are often used by people who have anxiety as a way to help them cope. Here are some examples of sentences you might use:

1. I can handle anything that comes my way.

2. I’m doing the best I can.

3. If I have a panic attack, it will most likely be gone as quickly as it comes.

4. It’s not my fault if someone is mad at me; they have issues to deal with, and I’ll get over being upset eventually.

5. I’m safe in my own home, and I know it.

6. I love and accept myself entirely.

7. There is nothing to fear in the world, and I will not allow myself to become afraid of anything in my life or other people’s lives.

8. Everything I do, no matter how small or how big, has a good feeling attached to it for me.

9. It’s okay to be myself and not care what others think of me.

10. I’m good enough for everyone in my life, even if they do not show it right now.

11. My anxiety is not who I am; it is just something that happens sometimes, and it will pass when I am ready for it to pass.

12. I will stop giving away my power to make decisions and start making them myself instead of worrying about someone else changing their mind or getting upset with me for doing what’s best for me.

13. I’m willing to take chances in life, and I know that taking chances is essential to learning, growing, and moving on in life.

14. I deserve happiness every day for the rest of my life.

Anxious thoughts will still come up from time to time, but now they will serve as a reminder instead of a hindrance.


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