11 Low Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

Low-Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

Weight loss is a big issue. It is hard enough to get people to take their health seriously, but because it’s such a personal and complex issue, many people give up before they have seen success. It can be difficult finding realistic weight-loss strategies that are sustainable.

However, certain foods make weight loss more achievable! Diversity in diets is key, but so is variety in foods; nutritious perks like low calorie fruits and vegetables add flavor while simultaneously keeping the pounds at bay.

Weight loss isn’t as easy as counting calories. Along with lifestyle changes like exercise and sleep, the kind of foods you also eat matters. However, if you’re serious about losing weight, choosing the best low calorie foods is an excellent way to start.

This article will help you find low calorie foods for your weight loss journey. Make sure you read till the end to get the complete information.

Expert’s Advice on Low Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

It’s always about eating fewer calories than your body expends, says Diana Sugiuchi, R.D.N., a dietitian specializing in sustainable weight loss. Maintaining a balance is crucial regardless of whether you are just living your life or exercising more. It’s not a precise science because we don’t absorb every single calorie we consume.

Despite that, Diana warns against going over the top. Many people think they will lose weight faster if they eat fewer calories than they need. In the short term, you will lose weight, but these diets could be harmful in the long run because your metabolism may slow, making it impossible to process a normal amount of food. Diana warns that you will probably gain the weight back and face mental consequences.

Consider taking a slow and steady approach by consuming plenty of low calorie foods. Diana says to consume whole foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables over processed foods like supplements and shakes. According to her, fiber and protein work together to help you feel full, so you eat fewer snacks between meals.

Experts say that high-quality fiber comes from plants, such as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. Dairy products and meat are high in protein, but many other high-protein foods exist. These nutrients digest slowly, which keeps you feeling full and supports weight loss.

Low Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

Do you have a weight loss goal and feel lacking in the dish department? What foods should you include in your fridge? According to dietitians, the following foods help you reach your weight-loss goals by filling you up and reducing your calorie intake.

Low-Calorie Foods For Weight Loss
Low Calorie Foods For Weight Loss

We have some healthy and delicious food options that won’t make you lose weight. There are 11 low calorie foods that help you lose weight:

11. Soup

Depending on the brand and type of soup, a 1/2 cup serving of condensed chicken noodle soup from a can contains about 60 calories and 3 grams of protein. Some evidence suggests that soups can be more filling than solid foods, even if they are of the same composition.

According to one study involving 12 participants, blended soup reduced stomach emptying and promoted fullness more efficiently than solid food. Another study involving 60 people found that eating soup before lunch decreased total calorie intake by 20%.

Remember that creamy soups and chowders are also high in calories, even if they are filling. You can minimize your calorie intake by choosing stock-based soups.

10. Oats

The serving of dry oats in 40 grams (1/2 cup) has just 154 calories, while it contains 5 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber – both of which significantly impact appetite and hunger. According to a study involving 48 adults, oatmeal increased the feeling of fullness and reduced hunger and calorie intake at the next meal.

A study also showed oatmeal significantly improved appetite control over four hours compared to ready-to-eat breakfast cereals.

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9. Grapefruits

Grapefruits contain a large amount of vitamin C, like many other citrus fruits. The grapefruit is a tropical citrus fruit known for its sweet and mildly sour taste. Citrus fruits contain nutrients, fiber, and vitamins, making them among the most nutritious fruits. 

Some indications are that it may have significant health benefits, including a decreased risk of heart failure and weight loss. A study at Scripps Clinic in San Diego found that obese patients who ate half a grapefruit before each meal lost an average of 3 to 4 pounds in 12 weeks.

Similarly, drinking grapefruit juice resulted in losing 3 to 4 pounds. Consequently, grapefruit helps lose weight, especially for people with diabetes. These citrus fruits are distinguished by their tart flavor. As an appetizer, they can be served on their own or accompanied by salad, yogurt, or fish.

The beneficial plant compounds in citrus fruits, such as grapefruits, have antioxidant properties. In this way, citrus fruits can improve the health of a person’s heart, brain, and more. It is estimated that half a grapefruit contains 37 calories.

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8. Pumpkin

In addition to being rich in fiber and low in calories, pumpkin is one of the best foods you can include in your diet to help you lose weight. Despite being packed with nutrients, pumpkin has fewer than 50 calories per 250 gm (a cup). Additionally, it contains a significant amount of fiber, reducing your appetite. 

The great thing about pumpkin is that it is guaranteed to help you achieve your fitness goals no matter what way you consume it. 

7. Celery

Celery has very low in calories due to its high water content. Try combining celery sticks with natural peanut butter and raisins for a classic snack that provides a filling mix of protein, fat, and fiber. Approximately 17 calories are contained in 120 gm of celery.

It is considered one of the most popular low calorie foods available on the market. Due to its long, green stalks containing dietary fiber, they can pass undigested through the body and thus do not add calories. Celery belongs to the Apiaceae family, including parsley, carrots, and parsnips. 

The vegetable is popular for its chewy stalks, and it can be a low calorie snack and provide several health benefits. Celery fiber may be beneficial for your digestion and improves the cardiovascular system. Celery is also high in water, which further decreases its calories.

6. Asparagus

Asparagus is a flowering vegetable in green, white, and purple varieties. The different types of asparagus contain various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds. This superfood is one of the most nutritious vegetables, packed with potassium, folic acid, and thiamine.

Folic acid is contained in an approximately 5-ounce serving of sixty percent of the RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowances). This food is low in calories and a reliable source of nutrients, including vitamins, calcium, and folate.

Asparagus may boost your health in various ways, including weight loss, a faster metabolism, a healthier pregnancy, and reduced blood pressure. Furthermore, it is easy to prepare, cheap, and an excellent addition to many recipes. Additionally, it accelerates the absorption of alcohol.

According to studies, asparagus contains compounds containing phenolic compounds such as flavonoids and sulfur-containing compounds such as asparagusic acid. There are only 38 calories in a cup of cooked asparagus, which provides 67% of the Daily Values for vitamin K and 21% for folate.

5. Strawberries

Strawberries contain sugar and are highly nutritious. These are versatile ingredients in the kitchen because they pair well with sweet and savory foods. Studies suggest that eating berries like strawberries regularly can prevent heart disease.

Strawberries contain many antioxidants and vitamins and yet are incredibly low in calories. In addition to vitamins, fiber, and a high amount of antioxidants, strawberries also contain high polyphenols. The low calorie foods strawberries contain no fat and no cholesterol. 

Besides being antioxidants, they are also a good source of potassium and manganese. You can dish them up with a little fresh yogurt, blend them into a sweet strawberry salsa, or chop them up in a salad. Whatever you do with strawberries, they retain their nutritional benefits.

4. Mushrooms

In addition to being good sources of dietary fiber, mushrooms contain several essential minerals, including germanium, iron, selenium, niacin, and potassium. In addition to their low calorie content, mushrooms are rich in proteins and other essential nutrients that can be substituted for other foods for weight loss. 

Mushrooms also contain a high amount of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. After being digested, mushrooms produce metabolites that help fight cancer, boost immunity, and help the body grow. To lose weight, you should include mushrooms in your daily diet.

Mushrooms are neither plants nor animals; they are fungi reproduced as reproductive bodies. However, vegetarians and vegans sometimes use them as meat substitutes. Mushrooms contain many essential nutrients like vitamins B and selenium, providing 44 calories per cooked cup.

3. Arugula

Arugula is a low calorie dark green leaf with a peppery taste, which contains only five calories per cup. It is a good source of potassium, calcium, vitamin, and folate. Additionally, this green vegetable is nutrient-dense, an excellent source of fiber, and low in fat.

The fiber content helps to cleanse the colon and promote safe bowel movements. Arugula is commonly used in salads. In addition to phytochemicals and vitamins, arugula contains basic minerals that help clear toxins from the body.

2. Cucumbers

Cucumbers contain many vitamins and minerals and are rich in water. Since they have a high water content, they are low in calories. An average half cup of cucumber contains around eight calories. Cucumber slices contain 95% water, making them an excellent snack option for summer when you want to stay cool and refreshing.

Cucumbers also promote digestive health since they are mainly a source of water and fiber. These green vegetables are often used in salads and can be beneficial for high blood pressure, constipation, diabetic patients, and kidney stones.

In addition, cucumbers are loaded with iron, potassium, and calcium. They help to protect your bones and stay fit. Cucumbers are a tasty and refreshing vegetable commonly used in salads. They can also be used to flavor water, fruits, and herbs, and they can be a low calorie base for high-protein dishes like chicken.

1. Apples

Among the most popular fruits in the United States are highly nutritious apples. A cup of apple slices contains 60 to 65 calories and almost 5 grams of fiber. As well as being low calorie, apples contain vitamins, fiber, minerals, and antioxidants such as the flavonoid quercetin.

USDA Economic Research Service reports that apples are a highly nutritious fruit and one of the most popular fruits in the United States.

Apples are also one of the healthiest fruits on earth, containing vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and pectin, which reduces hunger. Furthermore, your body burns calories when you chew and digest apples.

Since apples are low in calories, the amount of calories it produces in the body is less than the amount of fiber it makes after digestion. Because of this, it is an essential component of a successful weight-loss journey.

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Final Thoughts

According to dietitians, Low Calorie Foods help in losing weight. And if you follow the above steps, you will surely get help. You will have to include the above-mentioned low calorie foods in your diet. Additionally, you will have to do regular workouts or yoga. Still, if you don’t get any benefit, visit a dietitian for proper guidance.

Additionally, you can read about celebrities’ weight loss journeys, such as Billy Gardell, who has lost over 140 pounds, and Kevin Belton, who has lost over 130 pounds.

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