45 Positive Affirmations For A Happy And Healthy Pregnancy.

45 Positive Affirmations For A Happy And Healthy Pregnancy


A positive affirmation is a short phrase or sentence that helps build your self-image. For many women, pregnancy can be an intensely emotional and physical experience. A positive affirmation is a great way to remind yourself of the positives that come with being pregnant and make you feel better about your body in general. This list includes affirmations to help during pregnancy and affirmations to help after the baby.

How Do Affirmations Contribute to a Healthy Pregnancy?

Many assume that the only way to have a healthy pregnancy is by eating a balanced diet. But there are some things you can do to help yourself and your baby-to-be. One of those things is affirmations.

Affirmations are positive words that are repeated repeatedly until they become part of your subconscious mind, so when something happens, you might develop a pessimistic outlook or doubt your ability to have the perfect baby.

When this occurs, you might lose your motivation to carry the pregnancy to term or even not try. Affirmations can help you overcome these challenges in your pregnancy and make it easier for you to carry a healthy baby.

If you are confused about affirmations, then you may read; ”How to use Affirmations?

45 Affirmations For Pregnancy

Stress, tiredness, and negativity are not what’s needed during pregnancy. We can’t help with the stress or fatigue, but we can tackle the negativity! These affirmations will help you stay positive and build a healthy environment to be your best self for your growing baby. You’ll find affirmations to improve sleep, body image, moods, energy levels, eating habits, and more.

I have created a list of 45 positive affirmations for a happy and healthy pregnancy:

1. I’m in love with my growing baby and am excited about becoming a mother.

2. I am happy, healthy, and glowing with my pregnancy.

3. I will experience great labor and delivery; it will be gentle, smooth, and easy.

4. My body is strong and healthy; it’s made to give birth.

5. My beautiful baby is safely nestled in my womb right now.

6. I’m composed and secure in myself.

7. Thank goodness for this baby growing inside me because she (or he) is making me feel energized and alive.

8. I’m choosing to have a positive and exciting pregnancy.

9. I choose to claim total personal power over my body, and it’s working.

10. The best is yet to come for me. I’m so excited about my pregnancy and what lies ahead.

11. This is the greatest gift I’ve ever received, being pregnant with my baby boy or girl.

12. I choose to be as calm, cool, and collected as possible during my delivery.

13. My doctor says I’m doing great, and I believe him.

14. I’m totally in control of my body right now.

15. No matter what happens in my labor, I will stay calm.

16. Even though this is the strongest sign of life I’ve ever felt, the power is still with me; nothing will take away my strength and confidence, and it’s working.

17. My baby has a healthy weight. He (or she) is healthy and perfect just the way he (or she) is.

18. My baby has a perfect heart rate; we’re the perfect team.

19. I’m on track with my pregnancy, labor, and delivery; I enjoy every minute!

20. My baby is completely healthy…there’s no room for doubt in my mind.

21. I have so much love inside me. I have enough love to go around!

22. I’m so lucky to be pregnant. This is a gift that brings me so much joy!

45 Positive Affirmations For A Happy And Healthy Pregnancy
45 Positive Affirmations For A Happy And Healthy Pregnancy

23. My baby is thriving in my body.

24. My partner feels as fortunate as I do about our baby. We’re such a happy couple and family.

25. This is the most wonderful time of my life, and I’m absolutely in love with my pregnancy.

26. I’m thrilled that my growing baby feels so strong and secure.

27. This is a quiet time for me and a beautiful and magical feeling.

28. My body will let go of this baby when it is right and feel awesome.

29. The best thing I ever did was get pregnant, making me who I am today.

30. I feel confident, strong, and capable; my body is made to do this!

31. My body is ready for this baby; it’s already doing its part for this little one!

32. I’m extremely proud of myself for having such a healthy pregnancy.

33. I feel relaxed in myself, no matter what happens today.

34. My partner still loves me and supports me more than ever.

35. I’m going to remember this time in my life forever.

36. I feel so full of love in my heart right now, and I love every little thing about being pregnant.

37. I feel so powerful right now.

38. My baby feels so safe and secure inside me.

39. My womb is one of the best places for him (or her).

40. I accept all parts of myself.

41. This is such a beautiful experience for me.

42. I am now ready to welcome our baby into the world by myself.

43. I feel so lucky to be experiencing this new phase of my life.

44. This baby is such a blessing to me.

45. This is a transformative time; there is so much that I’ll gain from being pregnant, and it will bring me so much happiness.

Frequently Asking Questions:

Do pregnancy affirmations work?

It’s not the case that affirmations will change the outcome of your pregnancy. Still, some studies indicate that affirmations can reduce anxiety, allowing you to rest, eat, and avoid headaches and fatigue during pregnancy.

What should be kept in mind during pregnancy?

If you are pregnant, here are some things you should keep in mind:

  • Supplement with folic acid and vitamin D.

  • Maintain a healthy diet.

  • It would be best if you avoided driving or playing sports.

  • Keep yourself active.

  • Observe your baby’s movements.

  • Mental health is just as important as physical health.

  • Don’t hesitate to get vaccinated if you are offered one.

How can I remove negative thoughts from pregnancy?

Here are some stress management techniques you can try to help you relax and focus on your pregnancy:

  • Mindfulness is a good practice.

  • Complementary therapies might be helpful.

  • It would be best if you talked to someone about your mental health.

  • Keep your diet healthy.

  • Take part in physical activity.

  • Prepare yourself for labor by learning what to expect.

  • Your daily commute should be stress-free.


We can’t stress enough how important it is to have a positive attitude regarding your pregnancy and birth. You need to believe in yourself, your body, and its ability to safely bring this baby into the world. Remember that even if something goes wrong with this process, there are many resources available for you and other mothers who have gone through similar experiences before!

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