[UPDATED] Gabourey Sidibe – Precious Weight Loss 2024: Secret Revealed

Gabourey Sidibe Before and After

Precious weight loss secret 2024 revealed by Gabourey Sidibe, who is famous for her leading role in the film precious now become the center of discussion about how she loses her 150 lbs and becomes slim from 300 pounds plus-sized heavy body. 

Gabourey Sidibe is an Award-winning American Actress who is known for her debut film Precious in 2009.  She got the Independent Spirit Award for Best Female Lead role for that film in 2009. She Auditioned for this film in 2007, and the film was released in 2009. 

Gabourey Sidibe Before and After
Gabourey Sidibe Before and After

Precious Actress Gabourey Sidibe surprised the whole industry when she flaunted her stunning body, releasing it on her Instagram account. The megastar Gabourey played the lead role of a young woman struggling with poverty and sexual abuse, and how she managed to survive was all about the film Precious. 

She was perfect for the multiple award-winning film Precious (2009); at the time of Shooting, she weighed around 300 pounds.  Her life was so pathetic and worsened day by day when she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, anxiety, and depression.  

Gabourey Sidibe’s life was under threat; she immediately decided to lose weight, and she successfully shed 150 pounds from her 300 pounds heavy body.  The transformation from 300 pounds to landing half 150 pounds is not easy to journey, but it’s really inspiring story too.

If a precious actress’s weight loss inspires you, then it’s a fact that you can do that just like she has done.  Anyone could win against an unhealthy lifestyle, and shed extra pounds if they decided to do just like Sidibe.  Sidibe’s strong determination finally rewarded him with life-threatening type 2 diabetes, depression, anxiety and social bullying, and body shaming. She suffered each and every points of life.

Gabourey Sidibe
Gabourey Sidibe

Precious Actress Early life 

Nowadays, “Empire” and “Precious” Actress Gabourey Sidibe has been rocking on social media, with detailed updates on her incredible weight loss 2022. Netizens discuss her slimmer curved body and how she lost close to 150 pounds after surgery and diet. 

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But the life of Precious Girl Sidibe was not good as before when she was a normal plus-sized girl in 2009.  She was even beaten by her dad, Ibnou Sidibe, who called her “fatso” when she was 12 years old.

Gabourey Sidibe was born on May 6th, 1983, in Brooklyn and raised in Harlem, America. Her Mother’s Name is Alice Tan Ridleysheho is a teacher, and her father, Ibnou Sidibe was a Cab Driver.  She has two brothers and twin sisters, but her parents were split when Sidibe was just 12 years old. 

Her family, along with her mother, shifted with her Aunt, but the problems didn’t resolve. When she was in school, she always suffered from body shaming, and everyone made fun of her due to her huge body weight. 

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She attended City College and Mercy college to complete her psychology degree there; before she came into the entertainment industry and became famous, she joined as a receptionist at Fresh Air Fund.  

Gabourey Sidibe Before
Gabourey Sidibe Before

How Did Gabourey Get into the Film Precious and Play the lead Role?

Sidibe’s Acting career is just like a sudden entrance into the entertainment world. But She proved that she could do it, after getting into the lead role in the precious film, both film and the actress were nominated for numerous multiple awards.  She was nominated for Golden Globe and Academy Awards for Best Actress.

But the question is, how did she get into the lead role in Precious’s movie?  According to her, “She had zero interest in acting.”  Her dream was to become a psychologist and complete her degree.  She takes a part-time job as a receptionist and struggles hard in her career to achieve the goal. She doesn’t want to participate in that audition, which would cause her to drop out the college. But still, she managed to take participation, and the story behind that was fascinating. 

One day a friend came to her and told them about the audition for the lead role in the movie Precious. As per her friend, she was perfect for the role. Later she changed her mind and decided to participate in an audition. She felt a bit of affinity towards the role, as she was already reading the novel. The novel was given to him by her mother. 

The film Precious was previously named Push,  and it was based on the popular Novel by Sapphire. The film was based on a Young Struggling mom with poverty who is physically and sexually abused.

Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss Journey
Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss Journey

Out of 300 audition girls, Lee Daniels discovered her talent, and he realized that Gabourey was the perfect Actress to play the lead role in the film Precious. The Name of the movie was changed from Push to Precious to eliminate the confusion between action movies.  

 Later, it’s proven that  Gabourey was perfect for the Precious, weighty woman. She portrayed the perfect role of an obese, illiterate, struggling teenage mom living in poverty and physically and sexually abused. The film Precious was nominated 3 times for Golden Globe Awards.

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Precious Weight loss Transformation 

Why Did Gabourey Sidibe decide to lose weight? Precious and her weight loss journey.  When a woman is in the entertainment industry and is not in a typical shape and size if she falls into plus size, she must have faced body shaming, and throwing words like “ugly,” and Fatty might be thrown at her.  Criticism is part of our human life. Nobody can escape from that, but what if the situation becomes painful and demotivated?

Although things are now getting changed nowadays, at a snail’s pace, even though she was insulted and advised to quit the industry, it would be good for her.

Precious actress Gabourey falls into the same situation and undergoes depression, Anxiety, and Bulimia.  All those complicated mental and physical illnesses turned her into a victim of Type 2 Diabetes or vice versa. 

Gabourey Sidibe After Weight loss
Gabourey Sidibe After Weight loss

She was unable to bear the threat getting from inside her body day by day; her 300-pound huge body caught serious medical illness due to type 2 diabetes.  Her life has become at risk, and she has no other choice but to reduce her excess weight from her body. And finally, the precious weight loss journey started.  She undergoes surgery to remove 150 pounds to cut off 80% of her stomach. We will discuss this in the next paragraph. 

How did Precious weight lose So quickly? Did Gabourey Sidibe Undergoe Weight-loss Surgery?

Now the question comes arises how did Gabourey Sidibe lose Her 150 pounds so quickly?  Soon after, she is aware that she is got positive for Type 2 Diabetes, which is dangerous for her life.  She immediately consulted with her Doctor, Dr. Bradley Schwack,  a famous Bariatric Surgeon. 

Gabourey Sidibe After
Gabourey Sidibe After

Weight Loss Surgery

After Consulting Doctors,  Sidibe decided to undergo Weight-loss Surgery. The doctor performed a very complex surgery and removed 80% of her stomach to reduce its capacity. The Idea behind that it would prevent her from eating too much food at a time; rather, she would reduce her daily eating Habits and times.  Finally, Her Hunger will fill within the required adequate amount of food, directly reducing her weight. 

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Gabourey confirmed that she did undergo the knife and said, “It Helped her a lot, without cheating her body, she would not be getting the result, I wouldn’t lose as much weight as I’ve lost weight without it.’ 

Well, Apart from that, to make this expensive surgery successful,  Gabby Sidibe’s Weight loss journey would be incomplete without a proper diet plan and exercise, Bellow all those secret has been disclosed. Just scroll down.

Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss Journey
Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss Journey

Precious Actress Gabourey Sidibe’s weight loss Diet Secrets revealed

Famous Actress Gabourey Sidibe’s Weight Loss shocked the entire world; losing 150 pounds from her huge 300 pounds body was like an impossible task. But Surprisingly, she did that, and her weight loss totally depends on two major pillars…

1. Weight loss surgery 
2. Her healthy balanced Diet Plan. 

Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss
Gabourey Sidibe Weight Loss

These are mainly two reasons: the supplement for each other Healthy diet helps her change her obsessed lifestyle and make her weight loss surgery successful. Another hand, Her weight loss surgery completely changed her food habits and eating quantity. 

Gabby Sidibe Diet Secret

Finally, the secret being Gabby Sidibe’s weight loss in 2016 has been revealed. Actress Sidibe follows a rigorous and healthy diet to maintain her body weight and remove those unhealthy food habits. 

She shared her Secrets Diet plan on her Instagram with her fan followers, surprising and amazing.  Here are given below the most successful and practical tips and tricks that Gabby follows, which help her prevent gaining excess Killos in her body.

Gabourey Sidibe Gym
Gabourey Sidibe Gym

  1. Eat at The Right Time(Regular Based): Our Food Habits influenced our weight. Choosing the right diet, and proper food choice is important but also more important that you should consume the right time. Gabourey Sidibe did the right thing on her weight loss journey. Precious Actor Sidibe fixed time for her 6-7 meals per day with proper time intervals.  She started with a heavy breakfast, a mid-sized lunch, and a light dinner that helped her reach her goal.
  2. Drinking Water Before Meal:  She started Drinking lots of water 20 -30 minutes before every meal, which kept her hydrated and directly prevented her from overeating. Water-filled Stomach can easily digest foods that are also good for her health. 
  3. Remove Junk Food Completely: Junk food caused many health issues, especially it triggers weight gain and becomes obsessed. The next and vital step Sidibe took was to completely remove all junk food from her plate.  

    It’s fact that her childhood was filled with all kinds of junk food she loves to eat. Being a heavy fatty her food requirements was high, so she always taste serious kind of food to satisfy her hunger.  She loves to eat Oreos and fries, Pizza, Burgers, and all other processed junk foods. Removing junk food from his plate helps her lower their salt and trans fats intake, to remove the space she started consuming vegetable chips, saltine crackers, and hummus.  In this way one side she says bye-bye to Junk Food completely and it’s directly helped her towards shedding weight and excess hunger.

  4. Remove Soda From life: She was addicted to junk food and Soda. She frequently used to Drink Soda with burgers and fries. All these initials unhealthy choices of food, excessive junk food, and soda, and using a major portion of processed food, become the main reasons for weight gain. After consulting Dr., the first thing was done to get weight loss faster she completely removed soda from her diet chart. 

    She started drinking Normal Ice-cold lemon saltwater. It keeps her hydrated all the time and lemons also help her to flash out toxins from her body.  Lemon is rich in Vitamin C which helped her burn fats and reduces the chance of any viral disease. It makes her fit and slim, her skin glows using this lemon water juice.

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  5. Started Using A smaller Plate Diet: Its Facts that using more foods can damage our body, as it takes time to process the foods, and lots of energy consumption during processing this. The best way to control these overeating habits, Precious Actor Gabourey Started using smaller plates. 

    Making our Brain mind game, she used a smaller plate which indicates her brain eats large quantities but in reality, you have not. In this making satisfied your brain also helps you to overreact during eating which helps indirectly and directly gain weight. 
  6. Proper Diet Plan:  Now the main challenge was choosing and consuming the right food. After consulting her nutritionist, and her personal Trainer, she started eating the right amount of food in a balanced way.  She chooses Fruits, Grains, Vegetables, Protein, and healthy fats.  Olive oil, Avocado, seeds, and nuts are rich in fats, which helped her to maintain her body weight and helped her to lose weight fast.
  7. Remove Sugar: Sidibe loves to Eat Processed foods like Oreo’s, Cupcakes, etc. When she was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, she had to give up all those sugar riches foods immediately. 

    Being a diabetic patient she completely shed off sugar-oriented foods, as you all know sugar is slow poisoning for diabetic patients if not properly treated.

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Gabourey Sidibe Workout Plan

Eating healthy food, choosing the right staff, and quality foods, along with Weight loss surgery, are not enough to maintain good health and balanced weight. By eating healthy food, Gabourey gained energy coming back, and she became more active.  To Complete and speed up the whole weight process, she needs to work out her body properly. 

Like our Mind needs peace, Vital needs energy; our body needs proper rest and exercise to be fit and active. Gabby got her personal trainer, who helped her work out properly and the right way so that Sidibe could reach the weight loss process faster and quicker. Just Like Lizzo Weight Loss based on healthy diet plans and a proper workout regime Gabourey Sidibe also follows the same.

Gabourey Sidibe Exercise
Gabourey Sidibe Exercise

Gabby Sidibe weight loss 2016 Exercise

  1.  Using Low impact exercises started with Tread Mill: She started slowly with low-impact exercises, Versa climber, stair Stepper, etc. It’s helped her minimal pressure on her joints. This type of cardio exercise helped her burn extra calories faster and at the same time, it triggers weight loss. 

  2. She Started Others Exercise 3 days a week:  She adopted another little heavy exercise after passing through this stage. She started others exercise 3 days a week for 30 minutes. In this section, she included a little more heavy exercise than before. She adopted leg pressure, Squats, lunges, barbell curls, lat pulldowns, etc. 

  3. Adopted Aerial Yoga:  She started aerial yoga to achieve the goal of her weight loss journey. She posted her impressive workout poster on her Instagram doing Aerial Yoga in June 2017. She had done her best and as a result, Gabby Sidibe become trending in the 2016 weight loss category.
  4. Cycling: She started riding a cycle it helped her to reduce weight and burn extra calories.   

  5. Swimming: Gabby Sidibe started Swimming with the help of a trainer she Swims 100 laps a day. Swimming maintains her body flexibility and reduces weight and helps to bring her body within shape and size.

Using all those things, Weight loss surgery, diet,  exercise, and proper training, she shed her excess weight or more than 150 pounds from her 300 pounds weighty body. Gabby Sidibe’s weight loss inspired many people; if she could do that, anybody could easily achieve it. Precious weight loss Transformation was amazing, gabby achieved her perfect shape healthier body that she wanted. 

Precious Actress Gabourey Sidibe Instagram and other Social Media Profile

After getting tremendous success with her first Debout film Precious, the actress Gabourey Sidibe became popular on social media. Her Instagram account has become one of the topmost following social media handles. She has 1.9 million active fan followers based on her verified Instagram account gabby3shabby. She made a total of 1416 posts on her Instagram account.

You can check her overall social media platform link bellow

Instagram gabby3shabby
TwitterTwitter handle
Facebook official pageGabourey-Sidibe
Tik Tok Gabourey-Sidibe
IMDbGabourey Sidibe

Precious weight loss FAQ

Q1. Did Gabourey Sidibe undergo any Weight-loss Surgery?

Ans. Yes, She did.  Gabourey Sidibe had undergone weight loss Surgery in May 2016. She reduced 80% of her Stomach to prevent excess eating.

Q2. How Much Weight Did Gabby Sidibe weight loss 2016?

Ans. Precious Actress Gabourey Sidibe lost 150 pounds during her weight loss journey. When she was filming Precious Movie, she weighed around 350 pounds. Her incredible weight loss journey inspired many people to take action immediately.

Q3. What’s Precious’s real name?

Ans. Gabourey Sidibe

Q4. How old is the girl who played Precious?

Ans. Gabourey Sidibe is 41 Years old as of 2024. She was born on May 6, 1983.

Precious weight loss FAQ

Q1. Did Gabourey Sidibe undergo any Weight-loss Surgery?

Ans. Yes, She did.  Gabourey Sidibe underwent weight loss Surgery in May 2016. She reduced 80% of her Stomach to prevent excess eating.

Q2. How Much Weight Did Gabby Sidibe weight loss 2016?

Precious Actress Gabourey Sidibe lost 150 pounds during her weight loss journey. When she was filming Precious Movie, she weighed around 350 pounds. Her incredible weight loss journey inspired many people to take action immediately.

Q3. What’s Precious’s real name?

Ans. Gabourey Sidibe

Q4. How old is the girl who played Precious?

Ans. Gabourey Sidibe is 41 Years old as of 2024. She was born on May 6, 1983.

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